Blog Sale

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Del Sol

My parents were awesome enough to bring me back 6 Del Sol color change polishes from the Bahamas last week, so here are the swatches!
These are all 2 swatches, for full mani's they would have needed 3 to remove all VNL. It is also Winter in Australia so sunlight is at a minimum, in full sunlight these colors would have been darker...I like to think.

First up is my favourite, Girls Night Out.

Ruby Slippers. I am hoping in Summer this will turn a dark red like the color sticker promises it should.

Surfer Girl. A nice frosty pink but it turned a rather sickly pale orange on me.

Spike. A frosty green that turns to a pale lilac.

Electrick, a frosty blue that turns frosty pale green.

and Island Fever. A pale to dark frost green.

As mentioned, I think these would work better in our Summer sunlight. And they all would look great with some Konading!


  1. They are stunning colours! I also like the first pink best.

  2. Lovely. I like the first one most as well.

  3. I'm wearing Ruby Slipper right now and so far it's only going bright pink (darker than yours) but it is a cloudy day. I hope it goes darker.

  4. I don't own any of these. Can you stick your hands by the window to make these work? They are all pretty colors.


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