Blog Sale

Thursday, July 1, 2010

BYS Baby Let's Cruise & Blog Award

This was an online purchase from the BYS website showing a color swatch that was 5mm wide so I had no idea what I was actually getting. But it's one of my fav's instantly and it's gorgeous! It's a lighter, brighter version of For Audrey..but nicer (don't hate me!). 2 coats of Baby Let's Cruise for opaqueness, Warm Black KOnad stamping with a Bundle MOnster plate and 1 coat of Seche QD. I really love this mani and might actually give it 2 days wear!

I am a bit late posting this as I forgot all about it, but I also received an award from chelle (

The rules are: Copy the award above, place it on your blog - link your blog back to me and name five things about yourself!

1. I read at least a book a week. This contributes to my everlasting sleep debt that I will never repay.
2. I eat way too much junk food and can't be bothered shifting 5 kilos of baby fat.....and the baby is now 2 years old.
3. I love reality TV shows and think Survivor is the best thing humankind has invented to date.
4. I wouold quite happliy spend the rest of my life living in Italy and eating homemade mozzerella.
5. I detest the telephone and will email or text you rather than talk to your voice.


  1. Oh wow! I'll have to pick that one up. Looks fab!

  2. I am totally loving this color!!
    Where can I purchase it??


  3. Alexisaraus, it's an Australian brand and can only be purchased here. Their website is if you wanted to check out their color range.

    Thanks Jessica, Kaz and Triszha!

  4. Lovely blue! And really love the BM design, sigh, I need to get me those asap! :-)

  5. Love this !! :)
    I make my first one giveaways opened on the international stage. All the modalities of registrations are on my blog, for the translation click on flags of your choice.
    Http: //

  6. I love it! <3 Great design and color combo. :)

  7. I heart this combo! I also really want the BM plates for their star designs

  8. A very stylish mani indeed!! =)

    Ahhh good old BYS! I'm so proud that we have a great little Aussie brand that does such great lacquers for a decent price. I must admit I've overlooked this particular shade because it's so similar to CG For Audrey (which I really like) but it looks awesome on you and the formula looks good.

    Great stamping!

  9. This is so pretty! I love the stars, and that color is divine!!!!! Great color on you.

    The BYS I have tried (from you, doll) is fab!!!!


  10. I love this manicure.....that blue is amazing! :) xo

  11. LOVE this!!! Such a pretty blue, and the starts are cute. :-)

    By the way, I started a nail blog. Would love to have you as a follower, if you're interested. :-)

  12. Love the blue and the plate design. so pretty!


Thanks so much for commenting! I read each and every one, even if I am slow to respond sometimes!