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Sunday, October 17, 2010

For Audrey With A Cherry On Top

First of all...I'm an Aunty again!
My youngest sister had a girl early this morning, Emilee Le'Clare Morris! She has vowed NEVER to go through labour again...but don't we all???
Some family trivia: My parents wanted a son somewhere in their final mix of offspring, but they got 3 girls and now 5 grand-daughters! What are the chances?!

Onto the nails. For Audrey gets pulled out quite often and after Hidden Treasure over the top being my favourite, I like it best with Red. This was 3 coats cause we all know Audrey really is a mongrel to apply even if it is gorgeous. Red Konading from the Bundle Monster plates with a stripe of red glitter and 1 coat of Seche QD.
First pic artificial light, second pic sunlight.


  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwww congrats, a new baby girl. :))) Girls power! :D

    Love the manicure! For Audrey is so gorgeous!

  2. Congratulations on re-becoming an auntie! I love the cherries.

  3. Congratulations on your newborn niece! :D
    And I love the Cherry manicure, it's so pretty!

  4. Congrats on becoming an auntie again! Mani looks great!
    Lucky you for having some sun over your way. Here in SA we have nothing! It's bloody cold! no sun at all!

  5. Gorgeous and congrats--I applied Fod Audrey a few days ago and it was so streaky that it took three coats!!!!

    It's so cold up north lol!

  6. Beautiful! I finally ordered my monster plates! Can't wait for them to arrive! The design I am most excited to try is the cherries one!!!

  7. Aw congrats on the niece! They gave her a gorgeous name.

    Cute mani too!

  8. Thanks all! She lives on the other side of Australia so it's going to be a little while before I see her tho, unfortunately.

  9. Oh My God!!! :0

    LOVE IT... congrats!!! <3

    Ivânia Diamond*

  10. Oh my Gosh I LOVE cherries, this is too adorable!

  11. awww Congrats...

    Goregous nails...cherries my fave fruit and for audrey my fave china glaze!!!

    i have to try this.

  12. Ooh I really like this, the colours shouldn't work together but they do :-)

  13. Just new to konad and doing nails all togehter and just found your blog! Your nails rock, but you know that :). You have introduced me to so many colors I didn't know existed. It's overwhelming but exhillerating at the same time. Looking forward to following you! Thanks for the great ideas.

  14. You are definately welcome mamawoolly!


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