Blog Sale

Sunday, November 28, 2010

BYS Pastel Purple Crackle Polish

Australian brand, BYS, have released a large number of crackle polishes recently and a lot of them are in pretty pastel colors. I bought the pastel Purple this week while on holidays in Queensland and wore it all week layered over various colors and here are a couple of the nicest for you.

Over BYS Indian Nights. Another color I have been looking for ages for as my swap buddy Jen from polishaholic wants it ( **found it Jen, it's all yours!**). I grabbed two of them becuase it happens to be my all time favourite shade of polish, a vampy dark burgundy wine......divine!

2 coats of Indian Nights with 1 thin coat of Crackle polish. The secret to crackle polish is to apply a THIN layer of it. Otherwise the cracks do not appear quite as well, if at all. 1 coat of Orly Top to Bottom. I am trially a bottle of this as it was sent by Orly for review but I have to say that I am not loving it at all. It's watery and too thin and peeled off after a few hours. Sorry Orly!

H&M U Must Have This. This blue is pretty bright! Not a color I am young enough to wear by itself...unless I was hosting a party for my 2 yr old and made cupcakes to match...or something similar.
2 coats of H&M with 1 thin coat of crackle polish and 1 coat of Orly Top to Bottom.

Talking of is a batch that my daughter and niece cooked up while on holidays. Yes, they tasted about as sickly as they felt once swallowed!

I also saw my new niece for the first time at 5 weeks old and she's pretty darn cute. Hello Emilee!


  1. I really like the pastel crackle polish!

  2. I am dying to try crackle polish. It looks like fun. Have you tried going over the peeling crackle with top coat to keep it from leaving your nail? Or is top coat a no-no with crackle?

    Aw! Look at that precious little face! <3

  3. I love the crackle polish; I would love to try one someday. Those are some cute cupcakes: Your nieces & daughter ^_^

  4. AMAZINGGGGG the first nails!!


  5. Rachel Marie. Me too!

    Ice Queen. It seems that all brands are bringing out a crackle polish now. OPI will have one out soon. As for topcoats, Seche QD is the best. I was trialling Orly Top to Bottom and it is just rubbish. It peeled off and ruined my crackle within hours.

    MSodaPop. They were pretty awesome cupcakes...just didn't taste so good!

    Ivania. Thanks!

  6. That looks awesome! I like that BYS makes crackle polishes in colors other than black. :)

  7. love the combo's! I can't believe you found Indian NIghts!!

  8. I like the lilac with the blue!

  9. El niño es la cosa má espantosa qué he visto nunca.Parece un infectado de 28 días después,qué horror la vigen...

  10. I am liking this type of colour of crackle polish. I just have the standard red and black.

  11. Zara. I know, so much more original than just black, right?

    Jen. Keep me updated on yr wish list! Indian ights is gorgeous, u'll luv it.

    Sonidlo. A lighter base looked really nice! Usually i go for a dark base!

    Anon...Wha tha??

    Kira. Me too, so I decided to go a pastel. They also had pastel orange which looked quite nice.

  12. ooooo, crack polishes in pastel colors. very pretty!

  13. crackles in pastel are soooo cute! i haven't really seen them out in Canada yet, though....

  14. I love this crackle polishes!!! They are so beautiful!!! It's a shame I can't find them where I live.. :(

  15. This is the most beautiful crackle polish I've seen till today. <3 I can get only black one and I really don't like it, because black isn't my color. Wish I could get one like this. :/

    And looks at these yummmmi cupcakes. <3 And your nieces and daughtes are so cute!

  16. I didn't realise BYS had released pastel crackle polishes, but now I *must* try them! I didn't really like the harshness of the black, white and red crackle polishes, but this is definitely nice.

  17. I love every single picture in this post :-)

  18. glitterm. The BYS are an Aussie brand and I havent seen any USA brands make pastel colors.

    Joan. They have all the pastel colors, even a light grey!

    Ivana. BYS has ALL colors in crackle polishes. If you want to do a swap anytime just lemme know.

    Nail crazy. Thanks! The girls ARE cuties!


Thanks so much for commenting! I read each and every one, even if I am slow to respond sometimes!