Blog Sale

Friday, March 4, 2011

Giveaway Winner!

Sorry chooks to be over due drawing this giveaway. I've been a bit jetlagged plus had a sick 2 yr old so the last couple of days have been a bit hectic.

Once again I would like to thank all my wonderful followers for reading my blog and sticking with me over the past year. I hope to be able to include more varied subjects over the next year, as well as incorporate a little bit of Vintage in here as well. I will also be endeavoring to keep the monthly giveaway going with various sponsors, so please keep reading regularly to find out about these.

Without further ado.....the winner of my SUPER COOL AND SUPER HUGE GIVEAWAY IS... Kira from She along with her friend in the UK have a lovely makeup blog so please pop over and have a read!

Congrats Kira, I've sent you an email!

Thanks again also to, BB Couture, Kit Cosmetics, Color Club NZ and Glitter Gal for helping to sponsor this fab giveaway!

Stay tuned for next month's giveaway.


  1. Coooongrats! I'm soooo jelous. :)

  2. Ah man! ;) Congrats to the winner, though.

    You do awesome giveaways, btw. Mine pales in comparison.

  3. So excited!!!! I had to drop my nail polish budget because my computer died and needs replacement so this is perfect timing!!! Does a dance!!!! Thank you!!! I can't wait to try the goodies while munching on my fav bikkies! HUGS!!

  4. Congratulations Kira! I'm super jealous!

  5. Congrats to Kira (I'm jealous, too)!!

  6. I would like to thank you for sharing your thoughts and time into the stuff you post!! Thumbs up

  7. Congrats! Maybe I'll have better luck next time =( (hehe)

  8. congrats, hope next time my turn :)

  9. Congrats Kira! i'm jealous :)


Thanks so much for commenting! I read each and every one, even if I am slow to respond sometimes!