Blog Sale

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Singapore Manicure

I'm calling this my Singapore manicure because it lasted for 6 days without chipping. Seriously. I ended up picking and scraping it all off on the 7th day of the holiday cause I was sick of it!

This was another Color Club Poptastic manicure in stripes of Almost Famous, Warhol and Wham Pow over one coat of a generic white. I OPI Black Shattered it then sealed it in one coat of Seche QD.
It looked so awesome that at one stage I had the 4 row seat of young 20 something year old ladies in front of us on the plane peering over and writing down the exact colors I used and in the exact order I used them!

If you don't have a set of Neons in your polish collection, just go buy them now. You need them.


  1. I love neons and now I can see that they look great with crackle polish ! Love your mani

  2. This is very pretty! :) LOVE it!

  3. So beautiful, I will try it too!!!

  4. This is quite cool, I like it :D

  5. Great idea! I shall try that!

  6. Wow so bright and such a great idea! I need to try something like this!

  7. cute! i like the look of black shatter over more than one neon!

  8. My first thought was WOW!
    This is so pretty!


  9. AWesome, love how this turned out. I just got the ChG crackles so I'll have to try neons underneath~

  10. That is an AWESOME manicure!

  11. Ohh I don't have any neons >_<" but this sure looks great!
    Btw, when will u announce the winner of your giveaway? : O I've been trying to keep an eye out, but I don't think there's been any announcement on it..

  12. I love crakle polishes and i love this gradient!

  13. Awesome. Really unique--which is hard to come by with a crackle mani :)

  14. Thank you everyone for confirming that it was one awesome mani!

    LiLi, the winner was drawn a couple of posts back!

    Freshie. I haven't got my hands on the ChG yet...soon!

  15. wow cool with those 3 neon colors :D

  16. This is totally a copy worthy mani! I love it!

  17. Love this manicure. Very eye catching! I wish the online people would get these in stock.

  18. So friggin cute! Love them! I wonder if I topped a gel manicure with a stamp, if it would stay well?

    By the way, I've got a giveaway going on right now if you're interested in entering for a chance to win :) Good luck if you do!

  19. OH REALLY? >_<" Man that's so embarrassing! Sorry!


Thanks so much for commenting! I read each and every one, even if I am slow to respond sometimes!