Blog Sale

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Orly Peachy Parrot - Birds Of A Feather Collection

Orly kindly sent me a bottle from their new Birds Of A Feather collection to swatch. This is 2 coats of Peachy Parrot, which is described as a Coral Shimmer. To me it's more Apricot than Coral, and the shimmer is bordering on frosty. It's not a color for my skin tone but lookee at Fowl Play and Sweet Peacock!  Those are 2 this little birdie is going to get.

Artificial light.

Natural light, no flash.

This collection is available in June with a RRP of $18.95 AUD. 18ml in size and available from
Which colors are on your wishlist?


  1. Hmm. I like the color but at the same time I don't. I am excited about seeing the other colors.
    Thanks for the swatch!

  2. I have to say this is one of the worst shades and finishes I have seen in a recent collection. A real 'granny' polish. What was Orly thinking?

  3. Fowl Play, Lucky Duck & Sea Gurl looks interesting, I can't wait to see swatches of those :) I must admit this one isn't my type of colour/finish either.

  4. Alexisaurus. Hmmm, I know what u mean.

    Jaljen. It was the one color I was hoping not to have to swatch....Murphy's Law!! It is a bit grannyish.....

    Jette. Yes, those ones I am hanging out to see swatched!

  5. The creamy grey/brownish one.... woahhh <33

  6. That's very pretty but I don't quite want it. Looking forward to seeing the other swatches though :)

  7. I'm not really crazy about this. Kind of frosty looking. Looks better in natural light.

  8. Do not like this shade at all. Definately a granny colour!
    I can't wait to see Lucky Duck, Sea Gurl and Sweet Peacock.


Thanks so much for commenting! I read each and every one, even if I am slow to respond sometimes!