Blog Sale

Friday, June 17, 2011

Milani In A Flash

I am so kicking myself I just didn't buy the whole lot of these Flashes by Milani in my last Cherry Culture order. Damn their stupid swatches!

Two coats and stamped with Yellow Konad. 1 coat of Seche QD to finish.  The iridescent shine on these colors are amazing, and in the sun they are almost blinding!

Yum yum.  What other Flashes must I add to my next CC basket?

On another subject....I'm addicted to these things...they way they melt on the roof of my mouth then leave behine a chewy meringue centre......someone please organise an intervention before I explode from sugar overload....


  1. I can't trust Cherry Culture swatches. When I shop there, I search every color on Google before I put it in my basket.

  2. like that milani color is beautiful. like the
    design too

  3. me gusto mucho el color tendre que buscarlo aqui cerca me queda una tienda donde venden milani =)

  4. Gorgeous colour. And now I feel the need to go to my local Coles. Yummy

  5. Aww! This is sooo pretty;D I can imagine you enjoying those meringues, you're so cuteXD

  6. Love the stamping :-) I really want the Milani holographic polishes.

  7. Great design and great combo!!
    I love it!

  8. Those meringues would also make some delicious manicures. Never had that type of meringue. I've only had the coconut meringues. Those Milani are gorgeous. I bought them all and was glad I did. Like the stamp design.


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