Blog Sale

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Thrill Of The Chase.....

I've been on the hunt a lot lately, with doing a couple of weekend markets in other small Country towns and rummaging thru Vintage Fairs. The latest Fair was this Saturday gone in Ballarat. I don't know if it's been on before or if it will be on again but it was GREAT! Either I must be used to Melbourne prices or being in a Country town, the prices were so much CHEAPER!

Look at what I scored in one day:

A 50's novelty Chinese pagoda printed full circle skirt for $35. A 40's beaded dress in gorgeous condition and with original belt for $35. And a 50's gold beaded evening purse in excellent condition for $15.  The blue dress is very elegant and formal, something I can see myself wearing when I'm around the 40 age mark, altho the ladie's in the communal dressing room said it looked good jazzed up with my red shoes and armful of bakelite.

A 50's umbrella with lucite handle for 10. Vintage Butterfly printed paper parasol for $5 and then the stallholder gave me another larger one for free! Too big to carry around, maybe I'll hang it in one of the kid's rooms.

A pile of 40's knitting books for $1 each. I do not knit and never will, but the photos of the women are invaluable for research and hair styling ideas. An Australian 1947 New Idea featuring a very young Liz Taylor for $1.  And an Atomic style looking tie for $3.

2 Deadstock bullet bras for $5 each! And they fit!! A have a post planned on this wonderful 50's invention...stay tuned! A deadstock 50's apron and hankies set for $5 and a vintage men's socks box for $5.  I needed an apron so one for $5 was great!  The socks box will fit in nicely with my 1,500 other advertising tins.

2 Vintage millinery fruit sprigs for $2 that I will use on a couple of belts or a hairclip.

And I added to my china trio collection with the top 3 trios for $5 each....almost fainted here when the women said how much, you can never get anything like this for $5....the bottom 2 were $12 each.  And a 50's china tray complete with original sticker for $5.

One of the cars parked outside the venue. I will be on the WIN news this Monday night if any locals are reading this!  I also had 3 people recognise me from my blog and tell me how much they enjoy reading it.  It sounds rather up myself, but it was soooo nice hearing them say that!

Down one aisle of the Fair.

My Mother-in-Law picked up 3 new fur coats in as new condition (Yes, she is old school and actually has the audacity to still wear fur) for $30-$40 each.  The $40 one is Mink and she couldn't believe her luck.  She also picked up a couple of old rhinestone Coro collar necklaces for cheap.

So, who else has been hunting and thrifting lately?  Find any super dooper bargains??


  1. What bargains! I love your picks! But yes... fur :( Ack!

  2. You found some fab stuff and got great deals.

  3. I Knit Carli. those Knitting boosk will be invaluable. Can we have a giveaway for those? lol.
    I wish we had one of these vintage fairs in Nigeria.
    Sometimes i feel we miss a lot of things in Nigeria cos we are too busy running around trying to make money.

  4. i have a sly look and a mischievous smile on my face when i ask if we can have a giveaway or the knitting books.

  5. You look gorgeous! No wonder you'll be on the news. Shame I can't see it. You found some terrific bargins. Can't wait to see them on you. Love the tea cups. I have about 20+ bone china cups. My Mother and I used to collect them. OMG, those bras! Hope they're comfortable.

  6. Barby123. I will keep you in mind next time I find some!

    Thanks Lucy. I forgot about the news and missed me! I wish I could see your china cups collection.


Thanks so much for commenting! I read each and every one, even if I am slow to respond sometimes!