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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Gosh Holographic

We all know how wonderful it is, so let's just chuck in heaps of photos.

It needed 3 coats for the patchiness to disappear.   You all know that I detest 3 coat polishes but Gosh is all worth it. Altho I do wish I had some Aqua Base.

Stamped with Konad Purple and finished with a coat of Seche QD.
Nice huh?


  1. very good post!! all fantastic!!! the colors are very beautiful

  2. Lovely isn't it? I have several of this one lol. Great stamping too.

  3. I can't wait to use mine!!!!! If you didn't use the Aqua Base Coat, then what did you use?

  4. wow its gorgeous! and i love the konading :D

  5. Mine sitting in my drawer waiting to be used. Can't bring myself to open my most expensive polish though.

  6. That holo is darned gorgeous! I just can't imagine covering up a holo. For myself that is. They're just so pretty that I can't do it! Love the stamping and the one accent nails.


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