Blog Sale

Monday, February 11, 2013

New Fringe & 80's Does 50's Dress

I do not DO 1980's.  But this dress has a pattern I didn't quite mind as it's *almost* Atomic looking. 
I chopped my fringe from the typical Betty Page U shaped to the V shaped Sarah style.  I quite like my new Vulcan shaped fringe, but it is hard to keep styled into a point!
80's does 50's Dress: Bells Belle's Vintage
Shoes: K-mart


  1. I don't do 80's either but I gotta say, that dress does not look 80's!! I'd wear it too :-)

  2. I think the pointed bangs were invented just for you as they suit you perfectly! And I never would have guessed the dress was an 80s piece. Somehow it reminds me of water melons, very cool :)

    1. Yeds, very 80's style abstract melons! Thank you!

  3. My husband loves the 80's fashion. On women anyways.
    That dress looks great and you has a great pattern. I can't do bangs. They are so unruly. My hair is naturally wavy especially along the hairline so it takes way too much work to keep them straight.

    1. My hair is wavy too Mariela and my fringe has a side cowlick to boot! I often straighten my hair and my fringe just to help it lie flat.

  4. Nice hair, very rock n roll.

  5. Love the new fringe!!! It looks so fantastic

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Re writing to fix spelling auto corrects!

      I love your fringe too! It really suits you.

    2. I didn't know there was an auto correct know all the cool things, I am so HTML challenged!

  7. Your hair looks fantastic! You suit any shape of fringe so well. Love your 80s does 50s frock! They're a favourte of mine as well. I've really noticed over the past half a year or so that they've been skyrocketing (online) in price. Unless they were designer, they used to be a song most of the time, but they days I'm seeing them listed (sometimes) for close to what the actual 50s frocks they're emulating are going for. I guess online sellers have gotten wise to the fact that some in the vintage community enjoy wearing 80s does 40s and 50s garments and thus jacked up their prices.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. Yes, I have also noticed the higher prices on 80's clothing. It doesn't bother me too much as I do steer clear of that decade.


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