Blog Sale

Friday, March 8, 2013

1940's Dress Set, Crimped Hair, Lucite Sunnies

It's pretty apparent I have a definite soft spot for dress and bolero sets. Even more so if they have a novelty pattern! I do have quite a few, and a "dress bolero" search is typed in regularly into my ebay and Etsy.
This little number came from an Australian shop, Kitty's Vintage, and it is rather rare for me to find something this cute and novelty-ish in this Country! The pattern on this set are Victorian styled ladies with parasols. Kitty's Vintage update their Facebook page and blog recently with new finds, so check them out and score before it all goes into her brick and mortar store.

Looking on these photos, the dress is a little long for me.  Think I'll have it taken up a few inches.

I crimped my hair which makes super big rolls!
Shoes: Irregular Choice
50's sunglasses: Ooh La La Facebook Page
Bakelite Earrings & Bangles: Etsy, eBay
Lipstick: Lime Crime Red Velvet
Belt: Thrifted


  1. The glasses are amazing.

  2. You look great! Those dress/bolero set look great on you. I have only ever crimped my hair once when I was a kid. It looked funny but I tried it.

    1. Every girl has to crimp their hair at least once!

  3. Fabulous dress and bolero set. I just love it with the 50s channeled the Victorian era, especially in darling novelty prints like this.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. The prints from then are varied and always a surprise!

  4. That dress and bolero set is amazing, I've never seen a pattern like it! I recently bought my first (repro) dress and bolero set and I can see myself getting more :P


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