Blog Sale

Monday, March 4, 2013

Thrifty Finds and Our Week

I found a lipstick that my kids say look like me!  MAC's Ronnie Red from the Archie collection.
A Glass Festival.
Thanks to a gorgeous fellow nail polish addict, I now own a 50's Sunbeam mixer....which I swapped for polish!  Thanks Rebecca, love you!
A vintage china cake plate and matching server for $2.  Bargain!
The kids were 'balanced' and had their colors done.  Don't ask, I have no idea and not really sure what it was all about.  I think Miss 4 just liked all the pretty colored bottles.
Miss 4 got a fantabulous, most splendiferous, the bestest dress up Cinderella gown EVER. 
Complete with light up slippers!
What did you guys do?


  1. So cute, love the lipstick. My kids say I look like Mary Poppins when I do Victory Rolls in my hair.

  2. I saw that line at MAC in Vegas but didn't stop in because my feet were killing me. I was afraid if I stopped I wouldn't get up. The shade looks good on you. I've never had my colors done. Simply because they want you to buy something at the Macy's color worth over $50.

    1. Argh, what I wouldn't give to go to a Vegas MAC! Look up yr colors online, very easy to figure out.

    2. It also extremely packed and small. You would think being in Vegas they would have a bigger store but nope they didn't.

  3. Awww, Miss 4 is too cute for words! I loved dressing up as a princess when I was a little girl, too, and to this day I still adore playing dress up care of my vintage wardrobe.

    ♥ Jessica


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