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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Graffiti, Chinatown & Cake

While The Sexy Man and Miss 12 were watching Horrible Histories Live in Melbourne a couple of weeks ago, Miss 5 and I explored the surrounding streets of Chinatown.  I hadn't visited Chinatown for about 15 years so it was quite exciting!

We found Council funded Graffiti lanes and got super excited!

Miss 5's attempt at photography.

After 3 hours of walking non stop, buying Astro Boy t-shirts in Asian shops and being dragged around testing makeup, the poor wee mite really did deserve a super tall Hot Chocolate and Carrot Cake.


  1. She is so adorable She takes after you for sure. I love Chinatown in LA. I haven't been in a few years but it's always great fun to go there.

  2. The graffiti in those lanes is amazing. I have wandered a few myself and was blown away. Just love Miss 5's poses. Too cute!

  3. What a sweetie pie! She looks like she was having a total blast. What a delicious note to wrap up a long day on (cocoa + carrot cake = awesome!).

    ♥ Jessica


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