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Sunday, September 8, 2013

August Instagram

This is some of what I have been Instagramming lately.  Wanna see more?  I'm @konadlicious

Brand new hair.

New Bakelite.

Eating Maltesers.  *cough*

New Old Sunglasses and loving myself sick.

Baby piggies and Cowboy piggies.

Miss 5's new curtains.

Making beads.

Lunching with Audrey Scarlett Vintage and loving her in those leopard Cat eye sunglasses. WANT.

Please follow me!


  1. So much fun! Love your new Bakelite and those incredibly cool owl beads. You are a seriously talented artist, honey.

    Hope your September is every bit as enjoyable as last month!

    ♥ Jessica

  2. Bahaha, gloriarse!
    I love Maltesers, but feel a little funny about them now....!
    Catherine is a babe, I'm so jealous of you two having lunch, and you both have sunnies to DIE for! XXX

  3. Your hair colour is gorgeous.



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