Blog Sale

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A Random Act Of Kindness

When I was fundraising for my Cousin Angie's illness back in January, a lot of the Australian nail community rallied to help.  I received more than bargained for donations and monetary offerings to help Angie and her family.

One nail obsessed friend, Kura, won a lot of our fundraising auctions we held on Facebook and on completing her wins, asked one of the donators; Llarowe to make up a couple of custom colors for Dead Set Babes and myself, for all our hard work we had done.  This was unexpectedly nice of her and just another example of human kindness that we aren't used to, and moves us considerably.

So, here is my custom color made especially for me by Llarowe and requested by Kura.  It's called Angels and is a super saturated rich Purple Holographic.  It's quite beautiful, just like my cousin Angie was.
Thank you again Kura.  And for everyone that donated to our fundraiser, it's was and still is all extremely appreciated. xx


  1. What an intense color !


  2. Aww, how thoughtfully touching. The world needs infinitely more RAKs like that.

    ♥ Jessica


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