Blog Sale

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Milani Holographic Hi-Tech

I received my first order from Cherry Culture today and promptly tried all 29 polishes, 1 per nail, and ending up doing a full manicure with Milani Hi-Tech. This is a green gold holographic which is beautifully rainbow-y after 3 coats. All pics taken under artificial light. I only got a couple of Milani holo's and I am kicking myself for not buying the lot. Black Pearl Konading with a Chez-Delaney plate of birds and leaves. I really do like this one but the real test for ths color will be in the morning in natural light as to whether it's going to be on the dull side.


  1. So where are the other 29 photos???????? :)
    I don't own a Milani. Hope to some day. This is gorgeous. Love the Konading too.

  2. Lovely, like the affect. I don't have any Milani polishes. Very nice!

  3. Damn, 29 polishes - nice haul. Looking forward to seeing swatches of all your new goodies. This looks awesome, would love to get the Milani holos, I just don't know if I really need more of them.... yeah I do :)

  4. I like the varnish and the konad which you made above. It is magnificent.

  5. LOL Susie, they will come....eventually!!

    Yes Kitties, you DO need more holos! Altho you are the one who has the most I know of so far!! I really think you should give some to me! have good postage rates if you ever want anything from there. I got 29 polishes and 2 lippys and shipping was $29 and arrived within a week.

    Thank you Nikki and Stopdidine! ;)

  6. Love! So sparkly and cool design too!

  7. Tres Cool Carli - this is one of my faves so far!


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