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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wasabi & Rainbow Geometrics

Argh, the horror of it! This manicure has successfully given me Zombie hands. 3 Coats of Wasabi by JayJays which is a Neon Green, a coat of Gosh Rainbow flakies, Black Pearl Konading with one coat of CG Matte Magic to give it a satin finish. The konading and matte finish destroyed it, it looked not too bad all shiny and Rainbow-y.
I have had "Holy Cow Batman" running thru my head all day.


  1. love the first one :D

  2. love both of them :) the color and design is awesome ^ ^

  3. The Konad stamp makes the nails 'pop'. Now when I look at them, I'm going to linger at the stamped one because it is that mesmerizing.

  4. Very pretty. HT makes everything better. The stamp makes HT shine through even more.

  5. looks great! that's one of my favorite konad stamps to use :)

  6. Aw, thx guys! Here I was thinking it was a horror of a combination!

  7. Wow. I love the green! I'll have to check it out at JayJays

    Also, I've nominated you for a Sweet Blog Award, you can check it out here!


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