Blog Sale

Friday, June 18, 2010

Strawberry Fields Forever

I've has that blasted song in my head since last night after doing my nails, and I'm on the verge of going insane.

I didn't get this color up until recently as I'm not a pink person and pink doesn't look all that great with my skintone. BUT everyone wouldn't stop raving about it so I thought I had better get it or I might be missing out on something.... I was!
It doesn't suit my skintone like I knew it wouldn't, but the color is to die for with that awesome gold shimmer. Strawberry Fields is a must peoples, don't procrastinate any longer...just don't get that song stuck in your head like I have!

This is 2 coats with China Glaze Hi-Tek Konading, 1 coat of Seche QD. First pic is in sunlight with flash, the other 2 are no flash.


  1. This is beautiful! I'm so jealous of your awesome Konad skills! :P
    I've been passing on getting this color, but that gold shimmer is so pretty, I really want it now! :)

  2. so pretty.. Im dying to have this strawberry field

  3. it is such a pretty colour, love the konad too :o)

  4. The Konad looks amazing with the color!!

    And I know right!! Everyone is always like blah blah blah strawberry fields. I'm gonna get it during my next haul, just to quell the curiosity. lmao!!

  5. I like the konad design you've used. The gold really works with the pink!

  6. Thanks Susy, no special skills I am afraid, just plain old practice by changing my polish almost everyday!

    Same here Chaos butterfly, I only bought it because everyone else seemed to rave about it! It is a nice pink tho.

    Thanks heaps Joan, Trinna, Thrishza and BabyD!

  7. I love it! <3 Great konadicure! :)

  8. gorgeoussss I can't wait to get to this in my untrieds section. =D

  9. yea i bought this color the other day at sally's when i was with my friend. i started singing the song in the middle of the store until my friend told me to shut-up really loud. i didnt even really notice i was singing. lol saadd...

  10. i love strawberry fields. it's like my perfect pink! :) love your mani :)

  11. I love this one! I have strawberry field but didn't use it for a while.... but now I see it again it makes me happy, I'm gonna use it tomorrow :D


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