Blog Sale

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Glitter Gal Black & Blue Holographics

While ordering for swaps from Glitter Gal this week, I decided to just give into a couple of Lemmings and I got doubles of their Holographics in Black and Marine Blue (cough, yes I KNOW I am on a polish ban).

FINALLY a true BLACK HOLO!!! Yippee!! It's sublime and if you are careful u can get away with one coat! My pictures are 2 coats with no topcoat. Isn't it divine?
As with all holo's, the rainbow shine in these are more prominent under artificial lights (first photo) than natural sunlight(second photo).

Marine Blue. This is a deep and rich yet a bright blue with beautiful holographic shine. First pic is artificial light, last 2 are in sunlight. Again, 2 coats with no topcoat.

Just a teaser as to what colors YOU could be picking if you won my Glitter Gal giveaway! If you haven't already entered, go here NOW!


  1. *sigh* I really need to get myself some Holo's :P

  2. The blue one is gorgeous!

  3. Agreeing with Kelly.
    It's so hard for me to find holos in my locals

    The black is absolutely stunning!

  4. Pretty!!!
    That black holo is amazing!

  5. Gorgeous! I want them both. :)

  6. I'm so glad I finally got my prize colors! They're SUPER pretty! I ended up with Red and Black and I'm just going to have to do something for the blog with them soon. Next Lemmings, Marine Blue and "green" :-D Thank you, Carli!


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