Blog Sale

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

OPI Merry Midnight

Mmmmm, flakie goodness! My wonderful swap buddy Tiff gifted me this wonderful polish and I held off using it till just now. For some weird reason I was 'saving' it...why do we do that??! Anything could happen tomorrow ladies, WEAR YOUR BEST POLISH EVERYDAY!!

This is 3 coats of OPI Merry Midnight. Unfortunately it does need 3 as it's quite a sheer jelly, but it's packed with micro blue glitter and large red flakies. It's gorgeous, beautiful, droolworthy and so sparkly. I would *almost* put this in the same league as Nfu-Oh 51. First pic is in sunlight, rest are under artificial lights. As with every other blogger who tries to photograph this color, it's super hard to capture correctly and this was the best I could do. 100X better in real life...just go find it and purchase it now.


  1. This one is really beautiful! <3

  2. so gorgeous! i've been looking for it but i can't find it, besides evilbay

  3. Thx Ivana, it's sooo nice!

    Ename Girl, I am pretty sure Tiffany got this bottle from Transdesign only a couple of months ago.

  4. lol, I love this one! I call it my crackhead polish and have double backups just in case.

    As for saving polishes...I have noo idea why. I've been saving so many polishes for so long. I don't even know what I'm saving them for. I'll take one out, start to bring it over to my painting place, and then a voice in my heart tells me "Not yet" so I always put it back.

  5. Ladies... Victoria nail supply has this on their site right now! I JUST bought a bottle a few weeks back. They dont have a picture up with it so I am guessing most people dont realize what color it is. Takes some digging around the site to find but totally worth it.

    And I love this color. I was just wearing it and took it off today. Surprised me at how easy this was to remove. I was expecting it to be like most glitters, NOPE!

  6. Please don't tease me with this color. I want it sooo bad.

  7. Chaos butterfly. Me too...maybe it's cause we have too many polishes to choose from??! Lucky you tho having a backup!

    Mistress Zombie. Thanks heaps for the headsup! They dont ship overseas tho...pain in the butts. Quick ladies, run and clean them out!!

    Taki, are you US based? VNS!!

  8. Love this, I *heart* flakies :-)

  9. OK now I'm sure, I need this color! AAAh! Beautiful

  10. FLAKIE!!
    I recently bought a flakie as well ^o^
    Your one totally beats mine.
    This is gonna be the second flakkie that has a sheer base I've found.
    Still very pretty. WE NEED MORE FLAKIES!

  11. That`s it!!!! I can`t take it anymore :0 i`m gonna hunt for this polish ;) mehh or move to USA :S

  12. soo tihis is soooo nice.. ok i won't 'save' my polish.. i feel like i wear my 'best' polishes when i feel like crap.. lol.. like now.. i need to plish my nails.. and I'm tihnking about one of my 'fancy' ones.. because i don't feel that well. but i will try to wear the awesome ones everyday. it's nice to get compliments.. lol.

  13. Annkiins, Flakis are definately addictive. Good luck trying to squelch the lemmings!

    Martje, I just need to live in the US for a few months till I can get everything on my wish list, then move back here again!

    Lucy, I heart them too. Esp Nfu-Oh!

    Pretty, Best polish is especially required on crap days!

  14. This is gorgeous! I need to find this.

  15. thanks Konad-licious and Mistress Zombie!!! I can't believe I'm gonna own it! Yay!!!


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