Blog Sale

Monday, November 29, 2010

Orly OLE Review

Orly released their Viva Summer collection here in Australia recently and their PR team sent me a bottle of OLE for review. Ole was on my wish list along with La Playa and you all read my rave on Bailamos last month here:

Ole is described as a vibrant orange cream, but really is a really lovely coral color and really suits my skintone. Fluro orange's do nothing for me so I am happy to get a brighter orange that looks nice.

Perfect in only 2 coats and I stamped with Konad Yellow and White from various Bundle Monster and Konad plates. 1 coat of Seche QD. I forgot to get a photo of it by itself, that is not like me so I do apologise! All pics taken in full sunlight.

Orly also sent me a bottle of their Top to Bottom, which is a top and bottom coat all in one. This is a watery thin formula and proved to be watery thin once dried, as it peeled off within hours on several manicures I tried it on. As a base coat, my Mum was a test subject and her Clarie's Mood polish was flaking off in chunks by the next day. Whether this is a reflection of the Top 2 Bottom or the Claire's polish....I don't know.

So while the Top 2 Bottom didn't make my cut, Ole is gorgeous and I'm rapt it's in my collection. The Viva Summer collection can be found here for Australian buyers; and their range is available for a 10% discount once you sign up to their mailing list.
BTW, they have a discontinued section and I finally found Fantasea! Yahoo!

Which Viva did you get?


  1. This is really beautiful, and I love the color combination =)

  2. I love this manicure, was thinking in something like that today.
    Your nails are looking great!

  3. :) This turned out really cute.

    I just got fantasea recently :)

  4. This is so cute! The colours and the stamping really make it adorable.

  5. Thanks all, I am rather chuffed with it too!
    I'm feeling rather girly today!

  6. This is such a CUTE konadicure(:

  7. ahh so cute!!! one of my faves so far!

  8. I love this mani!!!
    It's so cute!

  9. Too cute! Perfect for a dreary Monday.

  10. This is so cute! I love that coral.

  11. Love the colours and patterns you chose all together! Great job!

  12. Love it & I am sure this design & colors are completely your style :)


Thanks so much for commenting! I read each and every one, even if I am slow to respond sometimes!