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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wet n Wild Morbid

Thanks to all the well wishes from all you lovelies when I expressed concern that I was getting sick! I did get sick. I spent 2 days in bed sweating, achy and a throat so infected it closed right up. I'm now on antibiotics after being taken to the ER yesterday morning by a husband who said enough was enough! Us women like to tough things out (2 natural childbirths anyone???!) but I did start to feel better after a couple of doses of good old penicillin.

This manicure was done just before I got sickly and it looked down right sickly as well. Not one of my fav's but since I have nothing else, it's getting posted.

This is 2 coats of Wet n Wild Morbid, a blackened dark green. Gorgeous color but on my nails it just looked like a murky black with no shine to it. It looked even worse after I added Yellow Konad stamping to it!

What was I thinking? It must have been all that bad bacteria in my system waiting to launch it's full attack......must have been.


  1. very cute mani! love the colours =D

  2. I have this color in my untrieds and I was actually really excited to have the green translate on the nail =( there goes that idea. still though, not an ugly color

  3. I actually like the "murky black" - it's different :-)

  4. I hope you'll feel better soon!!
    Ok, I don't like this mani, but I've got a question: how do you manage to get that clean rounded edge at the base of the nail with the lacquer? Do you clean with nail polish remover and a brush? How do you do it? I'm sorry for the stupid question and my English but I really would rally like to know! Thanks and kisses from Madrid!

  5. Thx guys!

    La Tia. From practice! If you dont have a steady hand and cant control your polish from your brush just yet, a nail polish remover pen is handy for cuticle cleanups. Or a tiny paintbrush with acetone works excellently.

  6. I like that you featured a drugstore polish. Every one can relate. Please follow!

  7. You poor thing. I'm glad that you are feeling better.

    Yeah... That one looked better before the stamping. lol I like that polish. Too bad it isn't available around here; I would snap it up. :)

  8. Thank you! So practise is the clue... mmmm... I'll better look for a brush or something...

  9. Woah so pretty <3

  10. OMG that sounds awful, I'm glad you're better! D:

    This mani reminds me of an evil carnival sideshow, like something out the Goosebumps books I used to love ;] with crazy mirrors and creepy stalls

  11. I do like the combo of a full nail design on the accent finger with tip designs on the rest, but I must agree that I don't love the stamping colour over the black.

    Glad you are recovering from your illness.

  12. You poor thing! How scary to be so sick. Hope your doing much better. I love this manicure. Not a good look for the Summer here but good for a Winter look.


Thanks so much for commenting! I read each and every one, even if I am slow to respond sometimes!