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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Spectraflair Magnetic Holo

I've had my little baggie of Spectraflair sitting in the fruit bowl for over a month and I recently decided that enough was enough and I was going to Franken for the first time! I ordered all my bits and pieces from TKB and they arrived about a week later.

My first play franken was to distill some of my Essence Copper magnetic polish with a little clear and some Spectraflair. I had seen Cathy do this successfully but was still worried that I wouldn't get my ratios right and end up losing the whole effect.

The magnetic stripes did come through but it is more noticeable in these photos than on the nails in real life. Especially when you compare it to my magnetic photos in an earlier post.

The rainbow holo effect is lovely. Next time I try frankening a magnetic polish, I won't add as much clear or dilute it with any other color.

Anyone got any good Spectraflair recipes for me??


  1. That looks fantastic! Can't wait to see more amazing frankens from you :)

  2. This is amazing 0.0
    Pure awesomeness!

  3. this is awesome really really prety :D

    shel xx

  4. This is a fantastic polish. I hope I can get some magnetic polishes soon!

  5. Just catching up on my blog reading and saw this post. Bloody amazing! I hadn't tried it with spectraflair yet, just mixing holo polishes and magnetic ones, but I think this is way better.

  6. The effect is so cool!

    I follow your blog now for a pretty long time and maybe you followed mine on Melaniesnailpolish (The Color Palette), but I moved to a new blog that fits my ideas. Maybe you would like to take a look at
    Maybe I see you there :)

  7. Holo + Magnetic = Can't get any better. Lovely combination


Thanks so much for commenting! I read each and every one, even if I am slow to respond sometimes!