Blog Sale

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Orly Fowl Play & OPI Merry Midnight

Orly Fowl Play. It's completely gorgeous and I think it may even be a little nicer than OPI Merry Midnight.......

Fowl Play has a slightly darker base color. It only needed 2 coats compared to OPI MM 3 coats to become this opaque:

OPI is slightly lighter in the purple base but they both seem to have the same aount of flakies in the bottle......which is the only thing that matters, right?!

Who cares about teeny tiny differences, really? Merry Midnight is harder to get and costs quite a lot. Fowl Play is available now and you can buy a million backups if so desired.
I know which one I'm buying a backup of ;)


  1. This is the only post where I have actually seen a difference! Like I've said before... A dupe's a dupe's a dupe. I love my Fowl Play <3

  2. Can't decide which I prefer but I am happy with FP :)

  3. Yeah, I have both and not much of a difference. I purchased a back up of fowl play and may get one know, just in case ;-)

  4. I really want that Fowl Play. It's so pretty. :)

  5. I honestly must say the pics of FP don't excite me. Perhaps if I see it IRL, it will be different.

  6. They are both very pretty, practically the same :p in the netherlands opi and orly are almost the same price... so i am not sure yet which one it is going to be

  7. Thanks for comparing, I think it's close enough to fulfil a lemming.

  8. Teeny tiny differences are not an important matter to my eyes, but 2 coats VS 3 coats, IT IS! In my humble opinion this polish is better with a best coverage, sooooo, fowl play, will you be in my house someday? *__*

  9. I love this polish. I ordered it, but I have not received it yet!

  10. Gorgeous! I have Fowl Play. I missed out on Merry Midnight. I really didn't need it.


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