Blog Sale

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

This Blog

OK, every time I post about something Vintage, I lose in several at a time.    While followers do drop every now and then, this is normal and I do understand.  I myself have stopped following a couple of blogs after they have changed direction into something I'm not really interested in.   But I lose at least 6 people every time something vintage related pops up on this blog.....and my widdle feelings are starting to get hurt!

This blog is not just about nail polish.  It's about this is my blog!  You will see outfit posts, family shots, day outings, reviews, lust lists and of course nail polish.  My family reads this and this is one of the main outlets of how they keep up to date with me, my happenings and my kids.

I am not after follower numbers, this is evident in how I very rarely feature 'free' products as I don't go out of my way to acquire any nor bombard email Companies asking for some.  And I don't have constant giveaways to lure anyone over to Konadlicious. 
I love, LOVE, love to post everyday to people who *want* to read my blog.  

So, low down is.....please follow me if you are interested in a bit of everything.   If you just want nail polish,  you may want to unfollow now as this blog may not be the one for you.

Rant over.


  1. I love looking at your vintage pretties & lust lists

  2. Awww. I like the vintage posts. :)

  3. I love your blog! My main interest is nail polish, but I've still kept reading when you started posting about your vintage pretties. My opinion (if you want it lol) is that it's YOUR blog, you get to write about what you want. I find the vintage stuff interesting even though it's not my thing. It's something different and it fascinates me. Don't worry if someone doesn't like it. Post about what *you* like. I'm guessing your readership will level off and for the ones you lose, you'll gain new ones. :)

  4. I enjoy your fact your blog is the third down my nail blog lists and one of the few I try to check keep the mixture going imo.

  5. Girl, post what you want and don't worry if people unfollow you for it. I love your style, your interests and the variety of your blog. Don't ever change a thing!

  6. I love you and your family! You guys are SO cute, and I love your posts! Please keep doing what makes you happy! I will be "listening" regardless =P

  7. ETA: I live in the US and I love reading about your family and your country. I love the pictures you take too. It's a fun way to learn about a place I know very little about. :)

  8. Aww, I love all your posts nail polish related or not. The Mr is kind of mad at you because I've been on the hunt for some awesome sunglasses. He says he'd rather I buy nail polish instead. HAHA :D

  9. At first, I follow this blog for the nail polish posts. Over time, it was all about the vintage, especially since I was obsessed in making 50's inspired dress.

  10. I love your blog, every single bit of it. :)

  11. Awe! :( I heart your vintage posts just as much as your nail posts! Though I am a vintage fiend as much as I am a polish fiend...still, awe! I would have a sad too if this happened to me. Well, I love your blog just how it is! I wouldn't change a single part of it.

    Though your lust lists are *killing me*! They turn right into my lust lists, LOL! XD Keep those lust lists coming even though they cause me equal parts *swoon* and *ouch* because I want EVERYTHING on the list! :D

  12. I love your vintage post. And, heelo, the blog is called Vintage Musings.... are they stupid not to expect Vintage.
    Anyway, enough of us think it's fantastic and the rest can something icky.

  13. Give us your vintage musings... that's what I'm here for!

    Sarah xxx

  14. Thanks Kristy and Sarah. x

    Jacky. You are the bestest.

    Thanks Iv2. I will, thanks for the upbeat!

    Thanks Kaz. Talking of blogging, update yours! Im dying here!

    Thanks Claudia for sticking!

    Aw Minnie, you rock! Tell Mr I am very sorry, but when a chick needs some sunnies....she needs the sunnies.

    Thanks heaps Pepper and Amber!

    I drink nail polish. Sorry, my lustables cause wallet trouble! I can't afford them either! Thanks girl!

    Cat. Ewww, icky! Thanks heaps!

    Sarah. Yep, know exactly what ur talkin' bout.

  15. Those people are nuts! I really enjoy all aspects of your blog, and your fabulous vintage outfits are very inspiring. As a mum to a 5 month old little boy, your posts remind me it's fun to be a glam mum - DS will just have to put up with lots of lipstick kisses ;)

  16. That is very strange, since your blog is clearly about vintage stuff as well (as indicated by your mast head). I love your content. While I love my nail polish blogs, too, there is only so much nail polish I can handle. I find too that many of my readers seem less interested in my eye and lip posts - based on the number of comments I receive on them. Keep doing what you do!

  17. I think it's a bit strange ppl actually stop following you after a vintage post. I haven't stopped following any blogs myself, I just don't tend to visit the ones with really bad quality photos. I prefer seeing polish but everyone I follow posts polishes! I find it interesting to see other aspects of blogger's lives. I love your vintage photos, the poses are great and I love to see the way you do your hair and makeup - I'm too lazy to commit to a style like yours but a big part of me wants to! So keep doing what you're doing - hopefully more vintage buffs will pick up where the nail followers left off!

  18. i find it funny as well.. i don't get why people join a vintage blog to find out, that they are not interrested in that kind of stuff.

    i personally enjoy your posts, and i find it's refreshing, to see every now and then a post about the person that "is" the blog.

    normally i don't post that often, simply because i don't want to anoy people with my spelling mistakes ;)

    don't let these people bring you down.. there are many that like you and your blog just the way you are.

  19. If I am not interested in a post I just don't read it. But I know from experience they are few and far between so I stay subscribed for the areas that interest me I don't see why anyone would unsubscribe for random posts if they like the rest. A with ay blog there is bound to be a couple of things that don't interest, or no longer interest me.

    You can't please everyone all the time, so just enjoy yourself :)

  20. I'm here for the polish but I LOVE the vintage. Please keep it up!

  21. You go girl! I love reading about and seeing your vintage style! Sure, I'm not into vintage, but you totally rock it and you sharing your interests is what makes reading your blog fun and interesting.

  22. Well, although I originally followed you because of your polish posts I'm still here! Clearly I like a bit of everything - including vintage! :)

  23. I only discovered your blog recently while trawling around looking for something else and I wasn't aware it *was* meant to be a nail blog - I assumed it was primarily dedicated to vintage stuff!

    (Weird side note - I have a friend who lives in Castlemaine who's a nail polish junkie. What are the odds!)

  24. I love vintage (and wish I could pull off the look as well as you!) and it's also a nice break from nail polish posts.

  25. I started reading your blog because of your polish posts but I love that you added in your vintage and lifestyle posts! Your outfits are TO DIE FOR and I love seeing what you've worn. I'm super envious as I could never pull off your outfits! Every blog goes through changes until it finds its happy medium and so be it if people don't like it. It's their loss!


  26. I like your blog in general... it's also possible that they only followed you because of a giveaway, or that Google deactivated accounts. They are going through and shutting down inactive accounts (I think it's inactive for more than 6 months?) so that may be why you're losing some.

  27. What?!! Seriously?!! I'm not angry, insulted or anything like that, I'm just dumbfounded. I read your blog BECAUSE it combines vintage with nail polish in your unique way, not despite of any aspects it has. People like different things (which is a good thing really - imagine the rise of prices with everyone wanting the same vintage outfit), and I LIKE YOUR BLOG as it is!

  28. While my main interest is nail polish, I like the vintage posts! Mainly because I am jealous because I don't think I could ever pull off the looks like you do :) Keep doing what you are doing because, as you said, IT IS YOUR BLOG!

  29. I love love love your vintage posts! Sorry forgot my google password and can't log in from my phone lol so this is anonymous... Jennifer Schieble

  30. I like your blog; polish, vintage and all. :D

  31. I, for one, like your blog! I'm very much into nail polish, yes, but I like that there's more to this blog than just that. I love your vintage posts! I think that you should be able to post about whatever you want, this is YOUR blog. Keep it up, a lot of us like what you're doing with the blog! :)

  32. I'm new to your blog, but I love all of it. As a matter of fact, I appreciate the vintage posts more than the polish (and I'm a total polish-a-holic). I'm sorry you're losing people...I have no idea why that's happening.

  33. I came for the polish and stayed for the vintage! Just plain polish is everywhere- your take is unique and I love it! Like you said, it's YOUR blog, so you should do whatever you want with it! :)

  34. As a fellow vintage-obsessed nail polish lover, I say keep up with the vintage posts! I love them! I follow a lot of nail polish blogs and a lot of vintage blogs, and yours is the only one that features both. Your blog is great, so it's their loss. :)

  35. I came here for the polish but although I'm not a vintage lover myself I love seeing your vintage outfits! You always look so gorgeous! And I love seeing pics of your beautiful girls!

  36. I'm not "into" your style but I freakishly love your entries on it! Actually ... I love everything not polish related on your blog more than nail polish posts. So keep them coming!

  37. That's just sad. I like looking at nail polish but I enjoy the vintage posts a lot more. I'm sure you'll get followers. Good luck!

  38. I love your vintage posts. I wouldn't let those lost followers bother you at all. I wish I could be as "girly-vintage" as you. Alas I can't pull off red lipstick.

  39. I LOVE the vintage posts - I started out as a nail polish fan but am now more of a vintage fan!

  40. Well I personally started following your blog because of the VINTAGE bits! ha ha I in turn tend to flick through the nail polish posts to get to the vintage ones. I guess you just can't please everybody. Please don't stop posting vintage :)

  41. I just love your posts, and I actually like that they're a mix of your nails, what goes on in your life and with your kids and your love for vintage. So please, keep on writing about what crosses your mind ;o)))

  42. I follow your blog because of you and not the nail polish. Your a good writer, include many different things & you are plain adorable. I enjoy looking at the vintage items. I don't mind at all looking at your family. I prefer a blog like this which incorpotates you & polish. I think it's boring when it's just pictures of nails & polish. Keep on doing what you feel is right. After all it is your blog. (((hugs)))

  43. I think your blog title is a great hint for vintage content, and I learned all about bakelite thinks to you! (:

    Although I admire your sense of personal style, I'd still like to hear clarification as to the original author and/or sources for your Hawaiian print post. Although an interesting and educational article, its striking similarities to a separate site is disconcerting and I think we would all appreciate some transparency on that front.

  44. little Pickle. Being a glam mum is only for the famous I think.....,it's too tiring!

    The lacquered lady. Yes, my comments are down too on those posts but we need to post what we want.

    LOL Michelle!

    Nail Polish Anon. Yes, I am slowly getting more polish followers but probably the polish posts put them off!

    Kira. Thans dude.

    Dormick. I will!

    Thanks Sarah, Vita and Cathy!

    Dee. Who?! I might know her!

    Thanks Lindsey, love yr blog too!

    Chelle. Thanks dudette, congrats on your engagement!

    Cydonian. Thats interesting, I didn't know Google was doing that. Thanks for the headsup.

    Thanks Eugenia, you rock!

    Thanks Spohia. Course you could rock vintage, everyone can!

    Thanks heaps Jennifer, Ice Queen, All the pretty polish and Megan! xx

    Rachlovespenguins. My goodness, your username is the BESTEST! Thanks for staying.

    NoirLacquer. Cool, another vintage junkie! Do you have a blog?

    Phedre. Thanks so much!

    Thanks Ulmiel and Misstrescatgirl!

    Beata. EVERYONE can wear red just gotta find your shade. Stalk those drugstores!

    Glad I could convert you Lani!

    Dashfield Vintage. Don;t worry, not going to :)

    Thanks Desiree! Hmmm, could be dangerous to post everything that crosses my mind...might lose LOTS of followers!

    Thanks Lucy, bestest commenter in the WORLD. xx

    Miss Pfefi. Oh dear, knowing about bakelite could be dangerous to your purse! Yes, I should learn more about blog borrowing ettiquete. I think for that post I took info from a few places and now have no idea which places those were.

  45. Post whatever you want, I just love the fact that you live in Australia.

  46. Hi Carli,
    I've followed your blog for quite a long time now, but never left a comment before. I think now's the time. I LOVE your blog!!! :) It is perfect for me since you combine vintage/fifties style AND nail polish. I'm a huge fan of both, so keep up the bloody good work. :)

    lots of e-hugs from Denmark

  47. I love your vintage looks and that was the main reason I started to follow you. I don´t understand the lost followers. Maybe they are following you via Bloglovin or something like that instead of GFC...

  48. I started following your blog few days ago and I really like it, I think it wouldnt be as interesting as it is now, if you posted only about nails. So, keep going girl :) Btw, funny coincidence - I read this post yesterday and I thought about it again today, because I just lost one of my followers, lol!

  49. Thanks Rachel!

    Thanks for commenting Sanne! E-hugs back!

    Thanks Sonidlo and Vivian. You will gain lots more Vivian, don't worry.

  50. I love the vintage! It's intriguing to me how fashionable vintage can be. I've taken to wearing flowers in my hair now because of you!
    Don't stop posting about vintage. That's what drew me to your blog in your first place!

  51. I'm with Jacky, I follow you and love to read all about the nail polishes but I also love reading about the Vintage goings on even though I'm not into it. It's you place to say what you want to say, so keep on sharing xxx

  52. Personally I like coming to this blog FOR the vintage stuff. The nails are interesting, but not the main feature for me. I like seeing you model all your vintage finds, especially the rad repro stuff (like Folter and Bernie Dexter) since I think we share similar taste and have similar shapes, and I like to see how the dresses I ogle online might look on me before taking the plunge to order them ;) Terribly selfish, I know.

  53. Her name is Millie. She's only lived there for a few years though. :-)

  54. I am fascinated by your style and so wish I could wear some of your outfits. It's nice to see your clothing and jewerly styles, as well as polish :) Plus you have gorgeous little girls that I love to see pictures of!

  55. Awww I love nail polish but i love love love your vintage stuff!

  56. Actually I love so much your vintage posts, that's I hate them, because I would buy everything. But who cares? I really love them, lady!!!

  57. Carli, I've been reading your blog pretty much since the begining and have never taken the time to follow it. I found you for nail polish, but I stayed for the vintage posts. Love ya!!


Thanks so much for commenting! I read each and every one, even if I am slow to respond sometimes!