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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Kitsune Duochrome Topcoat

Shall I just let the pretty pictures do the talking?

Top 3 photos were taken in shaded natural light. Below was taken under artificial light.

Kitsune over 2 coats of MAC Vintage Vamp. The duochrome flash is super strong and does not need coaxing to come out.
The pick of the red to green flash topcoats in my opinion.


  1. Woah! How fabulous!

  2. Those gorgeous nails speak stylish volumes unto themselves indeed!!! I especially love the Kitsune over Vintage Vamp (that shade is one of my fave dark garnet reds) - not the least of which is because of the name "Vintage Vamp"! :)

    Thank you so much for your awesomely lovely comment on my vintage outfit post today, I totally appreciate it and hope your week is off to a stellar start.

    ♥ Jessica

  3. What a amazing and excellent nail color really i love it and i will absolutely buy thanks for nice share it.


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