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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Splatter Nails

So I spent an hour on these...blowing and dipping and blowing and dipping. Blowing and dipping. Got nail polish on the rug, all over my phone and the bottles look like mini works of graffiti art.

After an hour I ended up with this mess. As you can tell, I didn't really like them. It all came off the next day.

I used Color Club Neons: Twiggie, Almost Famous and Warhol with Jessica's King Tut's Gems over black. Finished with a coat of Seche QD.


  1. SO cool. Love the splatter over black!

  2. You didn't like them? I love them! In fact, I looked down at my purple splatter nails from Saturday night and thought "Crap." because I loved my splatter mani until I saw yours! :)

  3. I am not really into fancy nails - but these are freaking amazing.

  4. amazinggg love that you splattered over black!

  5. I love the splatter over black, what a great look!

  6. I think they look pretty awesome, but I can see how a pain in the ass all the mess would be, and that would probably change my opinion if I actually did this to my nails.

  7. I really like the random splatter, it reminds me a lot of Jackson Pollock ^^ Too bad you didn't like it. I hope your next try will have an outcome you love.

  8. I love the way these look! But yeah, if that took an hour and made such a huge mess, I wonder if it's worth it. The first time I tried water marbling it took me an hour, but I whittled it down to 20 minutes with practice- do you think something similar would happen with splatter manicures?

  9. The result looks very COOL! Splatter mani is something I have been planning to do for so long, but it is just so messy and so I still haven´t done it.

  10. These are right up my alley. :) Love it! But I've never gotten splatter to work for me. :(

  11. I think they look good. I did a slightly more subdued splatter mani last week, black and white. White base, except on my ring fingers which had a black base, splattered with the opposite color.

  12. I don't know what's not to like! I love it!


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