Blog Sale

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Etsy Lust List

I am in lust with this matching hat and purse set.

Novelty tea sets, like this one, almost do my head in with all it's cuteness.

Unfortunately, I was way way too large in the waist for this scrumptious Mexican set.  And it's sold.

Who doesn't want a comic book skirt??

Miss 4 needs another bracelet and I think this one would be perfect.

This shirt is too expensive for my frugal spending ways, so I am admiring it from afar....even tho it would look FAB on me.

Who's lusting what on Etsy?


  1. Oh that skirt is actually incredbile!!! Fairly dear though

  2. I love the comic book skirt, i wish i could just wear things like that.

  3. Man that hat and purse set is just too awesome. I've been accumulating a bit of straw bags. The tea set is too cute and kitschy.

    1. I think it's a tad TOO kitschy.....I am still undecided if it's really ME.

  4. That skirt is awesome! As a mom to 2 young boys I can see it being a hit too. Right now I'm lusting over a pair of earings and bracelet (not a set). That being said I every time I go on etsy and find about 10 things I *MUST* have otherwise I'll die. lol

    1. Ditto. I wish someone would take away the BUY button on my keyboard!

  5. That blouse is pretty awesome :-) if you find nice pattern & fabric I am willing to offer you my services at no cost (serious) - since it's high time I made more things for others!

    1. Awww Esz that is super nice of you. I would never ask anybody to make something for free tho....I don't roll that way! I will seriously consider sending you a pattern once I find the perfect fabric, I really want a bolero dress set in Hawaiian prints.

  6. It is all amazing. I love the atmoic skirt in the last pic. *swoon*

  7. The dresses are so pretty, why is it the coolest stuff is always so expensive? I guess because it's the coolest!

  8. That skirt is awesome! *makes grabby hands*

    For the most part I try to stay away from Etsy these days, because I know from past experience that things end up in my shopping cart way too easily! :)

  9. Wow, that shirt is fabulous. But $75.00! Jeez.

  10. You'e got me swooning and quickly adding several of these to my own wish list, too - especially that awesome superhero skirt, it whisks me right back to childhood days spent reading comments with my little brother all summer long.

    ♥ Jessica


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