Blog Sale

Friday, July 20, 2012

Latest Thrifty Finds

FEAST your eyes on this baby.
 I have had a 1940's Sunbeam mixer on my lust list for a long time. I could never decide which color I wanted more; the Watermelon Pink or Pistacchio Green. Fate took the decision out of my hands when I found this original colored beauty with it's 2 original bowls, as new juicer, original instruction/cook book and beaters in PINK.....for $40. You read that right!! $40!! It is in pristine condition, no paint chips or rust and works like a dream.

To compliment my fabtabulous new mixer, I found some 50s harlequin canisters by Gay Ware. Remember I have a canister fixation? To settle things down a bit I did list 3 sets for sale on ebay. Doesn't my kitchen bench look totally cool?

Couple of packs of deadstock vintage stockings for $2 each.

2 vintage chiffon scarves for hiding my hair curlers.  A girl always nabs chiffon scarves whenever she can.  $1 each.

I am in love with these gorgeous risque handpainted pinup glasses. They were $5 each and there was no way I was going to leave any of them behind.

And 3 more handpainted glasses. 2 of them feature Queensland in the 50's/60's and the 3rd is a space theme. $2 each.

That's it! Who scored big time thrifting this week?


  1. That mixer is just... wow! What a great deal :)

  2. all I can say is WOW! Bravo on your excellent find

  3. That mixer is fabulous!! And such a bargain! Loving all your glasses too, so cute.

  4. Oh my gods, those pin-up glasses are to die for!

  5. Wow what a great haul. The mixer is simply divine. I love the risque glasses. I found some on eBay but they were more raunchy then risque.

  6. I didn't even know it came in that color, that is so cool.

  7. Gah, that MIXER! I can hardly contain my jealousy... you lucky girl you :)

  8. goodness! i didn't even thought that someone would invent pink mixer!!! thank you for sharing! ❤

  9. That mixer was an awesome find! And I love those pinup girl cups!

  10. Mind-blowing, jaw-droppingly awesome score. Wow, speechless over here, sweetie!!! :)

    ♥ Jessica

  11. .... lusting over that mix master Miss Carli:) I still on the hunt for some beaters. If you come across any, pls think of me!


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