Blog Sale

Thursday, August 1, 2013

It's Hard Not To Get Blown Away

It's so blustery and rainy in Australia at the moment, I've had to take refuge under the front verandah for outfit posts!

Miss 12 didn't take refuge. 

50's Swirl Dress: Bells Belles Vintage
Shoes: Miss L Fire
Cardi & Fishnets: Retail
50's Fur Coat: Thrifted
Headband Hat: Local craft Market
Miss 12 wears a 60s velvet leopard coat


  1. Your veranda is such a gorgeous work of vibrant art! It makes for an excellent backdrop against which to model this equally beautiful ensemble.

    Big hugs & joyful weekend wishes,
    ♥ Jessica

  2. I was wondering if you are ever gonna have a blog sale? Old polishes .. Specially sinful colors.. Lol i would love to buy!

  3. Wow, I am totally impressed that this is a Swirl dress! I thought it was a circle skirt. I just love it. If I see a similar one, I'll be sure to snap it up. I've been on a Swirl kick lately. In fact, today I am wearing a Swirl. They are just so comfortable but yours certainly takes the cake for style!

    1. Mine is a different style of Swirl with the zip up the front. But Etsy did gave one in the traditional wrap style in this pattern recently.....wonder if its still there?

  4. Love the look! Looks like Ms. 12 is turning out to be a fashionista like her mom!



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