Blog Sale

Monday, September 16, 2013

Little Bo Peep

For some reason this combo makes me think of Little Bo Peep.  It's rather girly and sugar sweet.
A-England's Princess Tears on Pointer and Little fingers, Orly Artifical Sweetener on Middle and Ring with China Glaze Full Spectrum Glitter.  Stamped with Konad White and oh yes, hello rhinestones!

Abov photos were under artificial light.  Below is in natural sunlight.

On another note, nobody really comments on my nail posts any longer.  Is this something nobody is interested in seeing on this blog any more?  Shall I cut out the nail posts? Feedback is most welcome.


  1. Omg, this is the cutest manicure I have ever seen! Totally love it, thank you for sharing, your blog always surprises me :) *hugs*

  2. I love your manis! Please keep them coming!

  3. Ditto Laura, keep them coming! The reason I often don't comment is cause I'm days late in reading the posts. But I personally love ur nail stuff more and have even bought lots from ur sales so please don't stop posting nail relevant things.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I love your nail posts! I don't comment that much in general and, "OMG, adorable nails!" seems to be a little boring for me to comment every time ;)

  6. As in my comment would be boring, not your nails. That was worded weird, so sorry if it was confusing

  7. I love all your posts:) I check everyday for new ones, but I don't always comment:)

  8. I read all of your posts, I'm just a slacker and don't always comment. I'll try to do better. I love your nail posts because I'm polish collector. LOL I always get inspiration from your nail posts (even though I never really follow through). LOL Don't stop posting them! :-)

    1. Oh and this mani is super cute! I wish I was good at stamping. I'll keep practicing. lol

  9. This mani is just gorgeous, love it. Please don't stop I am really slack and don't often comment (sorry) but I love your looks and look forward to them. Please don't stop posting.

  10. I have been loving these looks, especially this pretty pink one! I actually follow your blog primarily for the nail posts :) Bakelite shmakelite, give me the polish womannn! :p

  11. I read your blog for the konad/polish posts. I am a polish collector and I stamp too. That is how I discovered your blog. The other posts are quite interesting as well and were just an added bonus when I came across your blog. So, please keep the nail related posts coming. 8-)


Thanks so much for commenting! I read each and every one, even if I am slow to respond sometimes!