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Monday, July 8, 2013

Hong Kong: Disneyland!

How could I not do a post on Disneyland?!  This post is picture heavy!

First up, the Disney train and station!

Walking to the front gates.

Mickey Waffles!
Toy Story land is also a new land and it was pretty fabulous.  Look at those props!  It was all set up to look like a huge toy box and looked incredible.  This was more aimed for a younger age group but they did have a pretty heavy going RC car ride that went really fast backwards and which had Miss 12 reeling and swearing off rides for life!

The slinky dog ride!

Meet and greet time!

Yes, well.  What can I say?  Perves.

Rest time!  Selfies time!

We ate lunch at Fantasyland.  We ate at the same place last trip and liked it so much I made sure we ate there again this time!  I had yummy chicken with sauce, bok choy and rice.  A meal like this was $75 HKD or about $8 AUD.  Nothing is cheap at Disneyland.

Miss 5 became up a pro at using chopsticks by the end of our trip! 
A heaped big bowl of this shrimp fried rice fed all 4 kids till they were bursting and it cost $65 HKD, $7 AUD.  Drinks were $26 HKD, $3 AUD.  We arrived prepared with lots of frozen water bottles and fruit boxes.
The sparrows made short work of the leftovers!

A Pringles break.

The line was too long to meet Belle and Aurora so we admired from a distance! 

Mystic Manor had an optical illusion sculpture garden.

Mystic Manor had just opened when we were there and the ride was truly fun.  Miss 5 was a bit scared so anyone under that age I would probably leave off it!  It wasn't a rollercoaster but more of a  lights/noise/special effects ride.  We all had really yummy Blackcurrant jelly icy-poles there too! 



Adventureland was a favourite with everyone and all 4 kids loved the river boat ride.


Before long we realised it was 6pm so decided to stay for the 8pm fireworks.  The whole park looked really pretty as it lit up as it neared dusk.

The lowdown:  If you have kids you really have no choice but to do Disneyland while in Hong Kong.  We actually bought a 2 day ticket and what we missed doing on the first day, we did on the 2nd day.  With the 3 new Lands recently opened, I really don't think it's possible to do everything on offer in 1 day.  A second day ticket cost an extra $12 AUD per adult and about $7 each for the kids.  Well and truly worth the small amount of extra cash and not have to stress about missing anything.  To get to Disneyland from Mongkok took half an hour in the morning and about an hour at night by MTR.

There are 2 live shows showing thru out the day: Golden Mickeys in Fanatsyland and The Lion King in Adventureland.  The Golden Mickeys truly was *spectacular*.  The production is excellent and exteremely well acted.  To think they do that 3 times a day 7 days a week is boggling!  It also didn't hurt that Tarzan in the show was a virtual HE-MAN with rippling muscles and drop dead gorgeous......*cough, cough*.  All 4 of us dumped the kids in the front row then sat a few rows back to rest, take off our shoes and have a little nap but all 4 of us adults loved it!
The Lion King was also a live show with great props, dancing and fire, but compared to the Golden Mickeys it was a little boring.  If you only have time to see one show while there, make sure it's the Mickeys.

Tomorrowland is great to dump the kids at for half an hour and let them get soaked in the wet area.
The new Grizzly Gulch is an old Western town set up with roller coaster and great hot springs and wet area that the kids can get soaked in again.

Put insect repellent on, I got eaten by mozzies.

If you are staying for the end of day fireworks, be prepared to be absolutely SWAMPED by thousands of people also leaving the park at the same time.  We actually lost Miss 12 for a few minutes and we were well and truly panicked as there was no pushing forward when all those people are coming towards you.

Any other tips for HK Disney?


  1. This post has made me so excited for HK Disney! I am going there in a week :D My partner is very excited to see Toy Storyland and I am determined to eat as many Mickey shaped foods as possible - like those waffles!

    1. Make sure you get there by 9:15 Harlow to avoid a long line inside the gates. And head straight for the most popular rides, or within the hour the wait time will be around 40 min each.

  2. Omg girl this was amazing!! Not too many people talk about Hong Kong Disney, so this was great!! ♥ I so want to go on Mystic Manor....

  3. How fabulously fun!!! I adore the vintage look to the Disney train station. I would have so wanted to do an outfit shoot there! :)

    ♥ Jessica

  4. That castle looks so funny, I am a regular visitor of disneyland paris so anything that looks different is weird haha.

    Looks like you had a fab time!

    1. I assumed the Castle would look the same in every Disney! Hopefully one day we will go to the Euro one.

  5. Holy Crap! That looks amazing! I love Disneyland in California although I haven't been in a few years. I need to see the new Cars land. The river boat ride is great for getting of your feet and relaxing a bit. I wish they would update the one in California.

    Food has always been expensive at DL. It's really too bad that they don't make it easier to eat in there.

  6. This post just made me more anxious to travel to HK! You took great photos. Love your blog, xo ♥

  7. It sounds like lots of fun! Thanks for sharing your photos and a little of your private life. I love Disney but have only been to the parks in the USA. Mystic Manor looks like something I would love. The Haunted Mansion is one of my favorites in the Magic Kingdom so I know it would be my favorite there at Hong Kong Disneyland too!


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