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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Phooey, it's Coat Weather

Ugh, it's full on Winter and I hate wearing Winter clothes.   Having to lug on Grandma-ish and Mumsy cardis, big woolly coats and sensible shoes...blechhhh.  And no matter how little you wear underneath a coat, you always feel huge and fat.  Maybe I'm just in a whingy mood cause I'm posing in 2 degree Celcius and I'm freezing? 
I miss my pretty dresses.

I do try and spice up a long plain coat with lots of accessories. 
Bakelite makes you feel much better, instantly.
(I had just spent the day at Comic Con, hence the super hero pose)

Want a bonus boobie shot?

You're welcome.
(The husband made me do it)
(And yes, it's a bullet bra)
Lurex/Cotton top and Jeans: Freddies of Pinewood
Shoes: Irregular Choice
50's Coat: Thrifted
Hair Flowers: Uncle Fezter
Bakelite: Thrifted, eBay, Etsy
Scotty Dog faux Bakelite Ring: Trashy Diva


  1. Pointy boobs FTW!!! (I recently did a similar shot on my blog LOL).

    I actually love winter. Coats and wool stockings and grandma cardigans....I am a 31yo old lady.

    1. I do like my Grandma cardis. I'm just having a pre-midwinter jicker whinge. :)

  2. I actually like my autumn and winter wardrobe so much better than my summer wardrobe ^^
    I am 27 and I love my granny cardigans and my knitted sweaters ;-) and lovely accessories like scarves and caps, of course. The only thing I really hate about winter is to get wet feet (because of snow) and messy hair before the day has just begun.

    1. I am in lurv with my Summer wardrobe and miss it so much! I don't have to worry about snow where I live but it does get cold.

  3. LOVE your Freddies top and jeans! I have really fallen in love with their stuff and you're making me want one of their lurex tops :D
    I am actually excited for coat weather! I just bought myself a coat online that will be waiting for me to wear when I get home :P

  4. Oh, I love this look. I'm really going to have to break down and purchase a pair of FOP jeans. I know they are machine wash, where VOH is dry clean. :-/ Anyway, This would be my go to in the winter. I'm more of a pants look than a dress/skirt gal.

    The Fictionista

    1. Yes, one pair of Freddies jeans will see you thru for a jeans example in a vintage wardrobe.

  5. I know how you feel - I much prefer my summer wardrobe and hate being bundled up in the winter! We are FINALLY getting some hot weather here in London, so for the first time this year I have been able to wear sandals and no cardi or jacket! Woohooo!

  6. You are looking fabulous! Have you thought about buying/making some wool skirts for winter? I'm hoping to do that this winter. Wear some thick stocking and cute winter boots. I know I got tired of wearing jeans all winter long.

    1. Hell nope. My family is lucky if I sew on a button.....I have always detested sewing. You should see what I attempted to make in Home Ec class in High School....shudder.

  7. You look gorgeous!!! This is random but what nail polish are you wearing in these photos?

    1. Thanks Therese! It's actually 4 different colors, one on each nail, including some stamping! I have a blog post on them coming up soon so keep me bookmarked!

  8. Trade ya any day - when it gets over 62 I want to melt! I love the fog and cool, drippy, damp days. Right now am stuck in LA, Cali where it's atypical for mid summer - rain showery over-cast and major humid...but I will take it over 102 degrees F! Cannot wait to leave and get back home...and then wait until 'our' winter returns. I am hearty and don't pile on coats until it's down in the low 40's!

  9. Oh my word, you look magnificent! I recently bought a similar vintage black Persian lambswool coat and am now itching for cooler weather even more so that I can partner it with jeans, too. Thank you for the killer styling inspiration!

    ♥ Jessica


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