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Monday, June 14, 2010

OPI DS Extravagence

This color has no holographic glitter or shine in it so I am unsure what makes it a 'Designer' color. BUT it is a beautiful color, glides on like melted butter and pretty much opaque after 1 coat, I did 2 for full color. It's glossy and such a unique shade, another instant favourite! Picture heavy, sorry!
I then Konad-ed it with China Glaze Emotion from the Khrome series and added 1 coat of Seche QD.


  1. I absolutely LOVE this color. I have it and I think it's one of my favorite DS polishes. =]

  2. OMG! That stinks that yours doesn't have any holo, and it also surprises me. :(

    I have one plus a back up and both are quite holographic.

  3. Really Laura? Mine has no shimmer at all..maybe I got a new batch or just a dud batch?! The pics I have taken are exactly what the bottle is like, nice and glossy but no holo.

  4. Love the color and love the tip design. :)
    Great 'as always',

  5. Lovely! But I like it more without konad. :P

  6. Yeah I think my DS of that is also a holo... funny how yours didn't turn out that way?

  7. In those pictures it looks a little bit like Nubar Prize layered over black from the Prisms Collection. It's a totally bummer there is no holo in yours.


  8. Gorgeous, stunning! I love this color!


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