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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Orly Solid Gold Pianos

This color is gorgeous, a dark matte gold shimmer...but the wear is horrible, chips on most nails after 1 day. I know matte's are not everyone's style but I personally love them. I love the satin feel and look on my nails!
I also love making the glass beads I make with a matte finish. This involves acid etching the bead to remove the top layer of glass to give it a frosted finish.....thank goodness they don't use this procedure for our poor nails!
This was 2 coats with Warm Black Konad, no top coat (maybe which is why it chipped so quickly).


  1. You make glass beads? I might have to buy some from you for my Norse outfit. u.u

  2. Looks great but I still hate matte anywhere near my nails.

  3. Lovely, I love this Konad stamping image, I have it too but haven't used it yet.

  4. The piano keys are hard to line up Cel, it's quite frustrating!

    That outfit sounds intriguing Skulda...pic??!

  5. Great konadicure. Looks gorgeous! :)

  6. This is so cute! The gold and black works so well together =)

  7. I love love love that konad design! So amazingly pretty!

  8. Love the konad and the polish choice! Perfect!

  9. I really like this konad..nice!

  10. What a fun design! And I love that gold color, too bad it chipped so quickly though!

  11. Oh what a gorgeous colour!
    Mmmmm etching :)


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