Blog Sale

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Borghese Stellare Note & New Blog Update

Thanks to Jen, I got my little painted fingers on one of my Lemmings, Borghese Stellare Note. This polish is a steel grey most of the time to little flashes of green and purple. Formula was wonderful and perfect in 2 thin coats. I did China Glaze Millenium Konading, stripes of silver glitter and 1 coat of Seche QD.

Please check out and become a follower of my mate Carina's blog at
She has beautiful nails, awesome giveaways and always seems to get her gorgeous painted nails on ALL the best collections SUPER quick! She updates everyday with great and clear photos.


  1. I am now following Carina's blog! Thanks for the recommendation.

  2. I saw this at Ulta last night and almost got it. There was only one bottle left. Gosh. I have to go back and get it now. It really is a neat color!!

  3. Thanks for the plug hun! You are the best! :D

  4. Love this manicure. looks so neat.
    I'm following Carina's blog now.
    Thank you.

  5. Oooh pretty c:
    I got a new polish that looks like this :D

  6. I love the result with the stamping :)great mani

  7. Love this color. So going on my wish list.

  8. I love the colors and stamp is soo cute:)

  9. this is gorgeous <3

    x Christine


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