Blog Sale

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

OPI DS Exclusive

I didn't have time last night for a full manicure, and I really wanted to finish reading a great book I couldn't put down (The Forest of Hands & Teeth. It's so freakin tense, argh!) so I quickly slapped on some OPI Designer Exclusive. 2 coats with no topcoat...and not even any Konading! It WOULD have been too boring but lookee at that gorgeous rainbow shine!

All pics are under artificial light bar the last one which is in full natural light.
I purchased this after DS Extravagence as I wanted a burgundy holo but Extravagence was disappointing on the holo front. Exclusive is on a little bit lighter in color but 1,000X better with the Holo. Hope that helps making a 'which one should I get' decision!

Better nails tomorrow!


  1. Wonderful!! I can't get colors like that here!.. I really need some new nailpolishes!.. ^^

  2. So pretty!!!
    This is one of my top lemmings <3

  3. I think this is very very veryyyy gorgeous. Enjoy your mani and your book!

  4. Fantastic colour! I would love to get my hands on this!

  5. Thanks guys!

    Cel, eBay always has heaps of it on there. I think I paid about $8 USD for it.

    Polishsis, It was a good book, I had to stay up to 1am to finish it!

  6. Really gorgeous! Seems to be over $20 on ebay now:(

  7. Ooh, very pretty! I've heard really good things about The Forest of Hands and Teeth - I'm glad you're enjoying it.

  8. So Beautiful, I have to get this one :).

    Can't paint my nails right now, lol still have some fake blood on my cuticles... ;(

  9. So beautiful !!! I am in a hurry ro receive it in my order from TD !!!

  10. Why does everyone have this hottie but me? *POUTS* I refuse to pay $25 U.S. on ebay but she's so tempting!

  11. This one is so stunning! :( I want! :D

  12. Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!


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