Blog Sale

Sunday, June 12, 2011

L.A Colors Merlot

From my recent Cherry Culture haul, this is a new one from L.A Colors. I don't usually have much luck with this brand as it is only available to me in Oz from CC and the swatches are deplorable. This is the first color I have ordered that is actually a keeper. The color is glorious and reminds me of a darker version of Zoya Faye.

This was 2 coats. I stamped with Light Pink Konad and finished with 1 coat of Seche QD. First pic is at night under artificial light, second is in natural light.

Lovely, no?


  1. i just received my CC haul as well and i agree with the site swatches~i went on google, flickr, and anywhere else i could before i ordered. i often to that with those crappy colour blobs ti see IRL. hope it helps :) nice post and mani!

  2. pretty color and like the konad on it btw no more 50s looks?

  3. Aaminahs Mom. Yes, I google before I buy too!

    MariaAndrea. Yes, always 50's posts! I think I'll do one tmrw. I dont like to do too many in case people dont like them.

  4. I love it but surprise us when u do them Indeed is a nail polish blog they don't expect it but u can combine it, but i really like them :)

  5. Very pretty! I am extremely apprehensive about buying with no swatches too. I saw a pretty olive green LA colors polish on MUA. Forget the name though.

  6. This looks fantastic with the light pink Konad polish over it! That's a great color, I will definitely pick it up next time I make a Cherry Culture order. :)

  7. Rainbow Glitter is a great La Colors polish. It's not what the name implies as such, it's a black base with kind of multicoloured glitter but it's not as bright or 'rainbow-y' as you would think. Hard to explain but I love it. Looks great over navy :)

  8. I really like your tone-on-tone k-cures. I would like to do this more, but will need to invest in many more polishes!

  9. This is absolutely gorgeous stamped.

  10. wow you're really good at doing nail art! =D
    if you want stop by my blog...i'd really appreciate it!

  11. Cherry Culture's swatches do stink big time! This is one pretty shade. I adore the stamps you used. This is such a beautiful manicure. This brand is all I keep finding in the Dollar Tree Stores. Very annoying since they used to have all kinds of brands.


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