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Friday, June 10, 2011

Milani Flash Light

I've had more comments on this mani than any other since my Color Club Neon Cheetah. Milani Flash Light is a gorgeous color and I'm so glad I decided to add it to my Cherry Culture shopping cart even tho the swatch pic looked horrible.

This was 2 coats with Yellow Konading. One coat of Seche QD to finish. The color reminded me of the 70's so I pulled out the retro flowers Konad plate. It takes me back to my childhood to when Mum had 70's storage containers in this shade of Orange with the almost same yellow flowers on them!
First photo under artificial light, second in natural light and no flash.


  1. The yellow konad on top of the orange looks amazing :)

  2. This is my favorite stamp :) This is a fun color combo!!

  3. That is a great combination. That is one of my favourite stamp images.

    My mother had storage containers like the ones you described. Ah... The 70's. :D

  4. So pretty, althoygh in my head I went, orange and yellow, eek. You have proved my brain wrong

  5. I love this! Such a great colour combination :-)

  6. Amazing combination. I love it!

  7. Adorable manicure, I love the color combination!

  8. Fantastic konadicure! Isn't it fun to get a lot of compliments on your nails!

  9. The yellow konad makes the color pop !

  10. Love this with the Konad on top, reminds of Bollywood or something :3 so lush

  11. This polish is a gorgeous one. I love the combination of the two polishes and the design. So pretty.

  12. Love it! You have a great eye for what would make a good polish/konad combo ;)

  13. What a great combo, I would never think of matching those two colors. Genius, love.


Thanks so much for commenting! I read each and every one, even if I am slow to respond sometimes!