Blog Sale

Monday, September 26, 2011

Claire's Kelly Green

I have featured this color before, but when you have been blogging almost daily for nearly 2 tend to run out of nail polish!! Especially when you self impose a ban which stops you from buying new colors, UNLESS they are COMPLETELY different from what I already own.

This is 2 coats and it didn't look this patchy in real life! Damn Macro.

I stamped it with Kleancolor Metallic Green. Not the best job but it's glittery in real life. Finished with a coat of Seche QD.


  1. I have to say I love this green, but I am a bit of a green addict. Over 1/3 of my polishes are green because everytime I see a new one I think I must have it, lol.

  2. Well, I for one am glad you decided to feature it again because I don't think I have seen this one - very shiny & pretty!

  3. Well, after this post I just couldn't handel it any more. I skipped directly over to amazon and picked up all the KleanColor metallics I could get my grubby little fingers on.

  4. That is a stunning green! Thanks for posting it.

  5. That green is stunning!!!! =)


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