Blog Sale

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Recent Vintage Buys

Here a few lovelies I have had the fortune to win or purchase in the last few weeks. This doesn't represent EVERYTHING (Silly you!!) but an overall theme of what I have been searching for in readiness for Spring.

Gorgeous novelty printed skirts are always on my search lists but it's extremely hard to find one with my waist size.  This one is too small, but after moving the button, it's do-able.  The print is gorgeous and I'm a sucker for anything Spanish inpsired.

I have developed a little 'thing' for Art Deco boxes....especially the bakelite kind.  This is made from lucite and will look gorgeous holding my bobby pins.

A wonderful and large wooden 40's handpainted cherry brooch.  It looks FAB on one of my berets.  A bargain at only $10.

 I have had the fortune of winning several carved bakelite bangles recently for ridiculously cheap prices.  Bakelite anything is impossible to find in Australia and if you do, they want a small fortune for it. These 2 cost me $30 for both of them.

A 50's sharkskin dress. I also am a bit obsessed with sharkskin and it feels lovely against the skin...mind you, after petticoats, girdles and usually stockings, a lot of it doesn't actually TOUCH me!!

 A wonderful marbled brown lucite purse!  YAY!  I have been wanting a brown one for ages to match my Winter outfits.....pity Winter is now over.  This was a bargain at $50 including shipping to Australia.

Isn't he gorgeous?  And still on original card!  $3.00

This gorgeous raspberry colored shirtwaisted dress.  I am a little undecided on if I will keep it, long elbow sleeves make me look like an Oompaloompa usually....I'll have to model it and ask for opinions.

This one looks divine and I am so thrilled that I own it.  It's so damn PRETTY.

This 40's lace evening dress is super classy and makes me look super skinny!!  Because it is rather fitted, lots of undergarments are required to pull it off.  Now all I need it an evening out to warrant wearing it.......husband???

This cherries headscarf makes me look super cute!  I wear it if I have lots of errands to run on third or fourth wash days and my hair is looking a little skanky.  The hair gets rolled up and this baby tied on, and VOILA! super cute and funky vintage hair.  Just team with Freddie's overalls.  It *always* generates comments, I even had some guy walk into the sliding door at the supermarket cause he was too busy having a good look.  Miss 10 thought it was hilarious.

This red skarkskin suit is THE coolest thing I have possibly ever seen.  Too bad it doesn't fit The Sexiest Man On The Planet....his bulging muscles are way too big for this skinny style.  It's back on eBay if anyone if interested.

These cat eye glasses.....which are too small. They are also being resold. :( Buying vintage cat eye sunglasses is very hard!

Miss L Fire Hilo wedges in black. I also...cough, cough...have them in blue. They are just too cute, I had to. Plus, they were on sale.

All my surplus clothing is on eBay at the moment. This are items that have arrived and didn't fit, otherwise they wouldn't be on there.....I have very good taste. I ship worldwide, even to Nigeria! so please buy with confidence and help me replenish my bank balance!  All prices are at less than what I paid so grab a vintage bargain....I have already had one dealer buy a few bits to resell.

What are YOU guys buying??


  1. Everything looks good but that skirt is AMAZING! Too bad about the glasses, they're really cute!

  2. Love everything that you bought. You just have the perfect shape for all that vintage clothing. My Mother used to wear shirtwaist dress in the 1960's. I always had a "womanly" shape from the age of 13. I wore my Mother's shirtwaist dress on a class trip to the State Police Academy. I got loads of attention from the police cadets. I think they thought I was the teacher. My Mom was 4'11", petite & curvy. I was taller than her and could fit in her clothes. I looked good in those type of clothes also. Not anymore sadly. Age & weight gain sucks. Can't wait to see you in your clothing. Love the shoes & anything wiht cherries on it. I was wallking with my 2 twin cousins & a guy in a convertible turned around to look at us & almost hit a telephone pole. He turned his head at the last second & straightened out. We were hysterical but it also felt good.

  3. All the pretty polish. Thanks! Yeah, the glasses are a bummer.

    It's gorg Kristy!

    Lucy. I would LOVE to see a photo of sure you dont want to start up a blog?? I'm not too sure about the shirtwaist...I feel a little 'mumsy' but I'll dress it up with some flowers and I might change my mind. LOVE it when guys in cars almost hit poles!!

  4. All of your dresses are so beautiful!! I love handcrafted pieces and they always look so special;D

  5. Everything is mega cute, but I especially like the sharkskin dress and Art Deco jewellery box :)

  6. LOVE everything!!! *drools* I officially need one of those cherry headscarves with the bow, even if I have to source the fabric and make it myself! It's perfect! OMG so much amazing stuff! *continues drooling*

  7. i love everything Carli and you are forgiven for having the wedges in blue (arent they simply adorable?). I love the entire set esp the wedges and of cos the cherries head scarf

  8. Thanks Minnie! <3

    Silhouette. Yeah, deco boxes are pretty cool...just wish I had somewhere to put them.

    Thanks Claire...they are on sale! The blue ones are CHEAP on Modcloth ATM.

    idrinknailpolish. It came from Etsy, do a search for cherries head scarf or something similar!

    Thanks Barby, you need a cherries head scarf!

  9. i freakin love the glasses and head scarf! im buyin nail polish on ebay what else? :) post pics when you wear the grey dress its amazing! good purchase!

  10. Just 2 words: OOMPALOOMPA ROCKS! è_é/

  11. What AMAZING buys!! I love love that first skirt so much! and the cherry brooch is adorable! I'm so glad I found your blog - am your newest follower!

    My giveaway is up and running:
    Win the Vintage Dress of Your Choice! (open to everyone)

    x Aliya


Thanks so much for commenting! I read each and every one, even if I am slow to respond sometimes!