Saturday, February 2, 2013

Our Quiet Week


Fresh flowers for my kitchen.


Miss 4 was bored so we made a cake.

Miss 11 was bored so SHE made a cake!   It's a dragon holding an egg (just in case you couldn't tell!)

I was bored so I made a cake! A Chocolate Marshmallow Pie actually.

The last week was very boring here. It was too hot to venture outside and we spent most of the time indoors baking (couldn't you tell?!) and reading.
What did you get up to?


  1. Looks like your daughter got her drawing talent from dad. I may not have been an eventful week but you sure did have lots of yummy cake to eat.

    I'm getting over end of month laziness. I was so tired and groggy. Today is the first day I've felt like doing anything.

    1. Yes, Sexy Man is quite the talented beast. Too much cake I am afraid.....that wasn't all of it it...there were 3 Choc chip cookie pies in there too....burp.

  2. LOVE IT! We also like to bake when bored, though I admit I am more of a biscuit/cookie baker. I really need to make a rainbow cake soon - I keep seeing them pop up on blogs and I know it's the internet sending me a personal sign that I must have rainbow cake! (well that's how I have decided to look at it so I can go ahead an eat it LOL).

  3. Oh my goodness, you've set my tummy a rumbling with all of these scrumptious desserts! You and your daughter are both fantastic cake makers!

    ♥ Jessica


Thanks so much for commenting! I read each and every one, even if I am slow to respond sometimes!