I have just completed my very first swap with awesome blogger Tiff, yardsticks4lunatics.blogspot.com, and because of her I finally got my coveted NFU-OH #51!! Wooooohoooooo!!
She was like, "what colors do you want?" and I was like, "there is ONLY one but it's on the expensive side" and she was like "no way, it's yours" and I'm like "No way!" and she's like "Yes way!"...she's so cool!
She sent me wonderfulness including scrummy lollies which pretty much disappeared straight away thanks to the kids (that's my story anyway), and another Nfu-Oh flakie, #54, which is so gorgeous over blue. Kleencolors, Jessicas and a divine Holo Ulta which swatches VERY close to DS Extravagence, but swatches will come!
And did you know non USA bloggers, that there is a lollipop in the US called a Sugar Daddy??! Oh, the innuendos I could come up with eating that!
Here's me stash!

closeup of the polishes

And me kissing/worshipping my bottle of #51 (it was the end of the day, don't judge!)

So I guess you all know what's on my little fingers at the moment! Swatch tomorrow!