Monday, December 23, 2013

Our Week


I am still renovating the house every spare waking minute.

Renovating also includes taking everything out of cabinets and dusting.....then rearranging.

I got bought a new toy.......

.......and have been making litres of ice cream!  Honeycomb and passionfruit is yummo.  And also crumbled up chocolate cake with Hershey's syrup.....mmmmmmm.

Copious amount of babychinos and milky mustachios.

Giggling at naughty trucks.

Eating a tray of mangoes.

And I surprised the husband one day with a new bed!
What have you guys been up to??


  1. You have such a fabulously awesome collection of vintage collectibles! I swear, it looks like those are photos from some magically awesome shop. What a joy it must be to look at and enjoy all of those pieces once you're done tidying.

    ♥ Jessica

  2. What a fantastic kitch collection! :) And I didn't know the KitchenAid makes ice cream, we want that in Denmark too.


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