Thursday, August 29, 2013

Singin' In The Rain

Sometimes at the end of a long day you just gotta grab an umbrella
and run outside to look like a demented fool.

50's Mexican souvenir headscarf: Thrifted
Hair Flower: Dynamite-darling, eBay
Bakelite Cherry Earrings: eBay
Cherry Skirt: Local Handmade Market
Cardi and Top: Retail
Vintage Cowboy Boots: Bells Belle's Vintage


  1. I love the rain. Rather I love cold weather in general.

    You look super cute. Now I want to get myself a pair of cowboy boots.

  2. You are the vision of vibrant red loveliness! Not since roses were invented and started blooming in gardens outside, has red looked this glorious on a rainy day.

    ♥ Jessica

    *PS* I totally want a red umbrella now! :)

  3. To my also I like much the rain and the cold, is the best weather station. Sorry for my bad english..i'm spanish and i don't know to express better.

    Read you soon! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  4. So true! There is nothing like a bit of frolicking in the rain. Love your cowboy boots!

  5. You are too fabulous. Love the boots!!!

  6. Love the head scarf! Would you post a how-to on tying it?


Thanks so much for commenting! I read each and every one, even if I am slow to respond sometimes!