Monday, April 23, 2012

Freddies Of Pinewood from Miskonduct

I LUV my Freddies of Pinewood overalls. I am aware they aren't the BEST thing for little old me to be wearing, but I honestly DO NOT care. I luv them to bits and wear them constantly during the colder months. I even have 2 pairs exactly the same for when one of them are in the wash.......

Gotta get that belt tighter!

I SAID TIGHTER!!!!!!  ( The belt was a mistake)

You can find Freddies of Pinewood stock at Miskonduct clothing. With my last order from Miskonduct I included the Selvedge jeans (blog post coming soon!) and am desperately lusting after the Utilities.

40's Repo Overalls / Dungarees: Freddies of Pinewood via Miskonduct
Top: Retail
Belt: FCUK, thrift store find
Shoes: Naughty Monkey
Sunnies: Etsy
Novelty brooch: Vintage Fair


  1. Yay for overalls! I love my overalls too and wear them all the time - Summer or Winter - I have five pairs! You look a lot more glam in yours though - heels and a belt woo whoo!

    Sarah xxx

  2. I *heart* overalls, and they look so cute on you.

  3. I've said it before and I'll say it again... You are adorable. I love pics like these! Rock those overalls girl!

  4. You look really pretty, but I agree with you - the belt is mistake here :)

    I'm not a big pant lover and I wear dresses almost all the time,but one day I'll buy something from freddies :)

  5. Yay for honestly not caring! I wish more people were like that! U look awesome as usual! I think u need a belt or u would look like one of those croc hunter dudes from Swamp People! U need to look feminine with a waist.:-)

  6. you look fantastic, one can really see you enjoy life, overalls is one the best things ever invented to give us a chance to have fun all life no matter if we are kids or socalled old folks :) I wear overalls more or less all day long, overall greetings Niels


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