Saturday, June 30, 2012

Our Week

I discovered salt and vinegar potato slinkies.  Oh my goodness....anyone else had these?

Miss 10 is a fantastic photobomber.

We saw freaky clowns.

I was groped at the Big Banana.

Miss 10 and friend went water Zorbing.

Bunches of bananas.

Petted baby cows. Awwwwww.

I know I keep writing this but ANOTHER 3 baby guinea pigs were born!  This one is my fav, her fur is just a mass of cowlicks!


  1. Omg do want that potato situation there!! Looks like you guys had a blast! Also, I miss having a guinea pig :\ BF has put the foot down on the animal count though *shakes fist*

  2. Zorbig-ing always reminds me of hamster in a ball. it's fun watching kids stand up in them. I've wanted to try those potatoes pinwheels. They look thick enough to hold flavor and thin enough to have crispness.

  3. I saw those potato things at a market here and I contemplated trying them... now I want them lol. Also, I would love to try zorbing! I <3 your blog =D

  4. really fun photos :) ive had those potato twisters before :D never tried water zorbing hehe <3

  5. Oh man, that is the cutest guinea pig! Looks like a great week :)

  6. What an awesomely fun looking week! I've never tried to those potato slinkies, but if salt and vinegar are involved, I'd be all over them!

    Loved your comment on my garage sale finds post. A bigger house is always justified in the name of one's ever expanding kitsch collection! :)

    Wishing you a stellar weekend, honey!
    ♥ Jessica

  7. potato slinkies, interesting.
    and at least you weren't groped BY a big banana :P

  8. Salt and vinegar potato slinkies? Sounds like something I need to discover! Looks like you had a good week.

  9. Baby guinea pigs ... I love.

    Hey, that necklace is beaootiful. Did you make it?


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