Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Our Week

It's school holidays here in Oz, and it's the coldest Winter I remember. So it has meant we haven't ventured out much. Friends have come over to play, cakes have been baked and days have been spent with Grandparents.
This is the little we have gotten up to.....

Miss 10 turned Miss 11. Her school had a "dress Up As Something Starting With P" day and she decided to go....Psycho. That's my girl.

My glass art Facebook page had a surge and hit 200 likes, without any promotion from me! Yay!

2 baby guinea piggies got swooped up by eagles and Miss 10 was devastated. We are now looking to pass them on to other families as the eagles won't go away. :(

Miss 4 got her first bike. But we think we got one a little too small......

Cabbage Roses for my kitchen  <3


  1. Miss 11 is very creative. Those beads are just gorgeous. When we had chicks at my parents place, the hawks or crows would hang around waiting to take a chick or two. It was sad to watch the Momma Hen looking for them. Hope you find them great homes.

  2. Such pretty beads!!
    Poor guinea pigs - I'd take some if I was closer. My youngest has been nagging for some lately!!

  3. I think Miss 4 and Miss 11 might have the coolest mom ever.


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